Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Environmentally concerned or just plain Wealth Redistribution?

The Govt is not interested in whether Climate Change is man made or not, they have no intention beyond wealth redistribution through unjust taxing of middle and higher income earners.

Australia's population in 2009 was 21,874,900.

There were 12,500,000 registered personal Income Tax earners in 2008/2009

1,107,000 of the registered taxpayers who earned $80,000+ a year so would be liable for the full Carbon Tax with no compensation.

They paid $86,698,150,000 in taxation for this year.

There were 11,193,000 registered taxpayers who earned less than $80,000 and therefore will be given some compensation for the Carbon Tax.

They paid $90,236,850,000 in tax for this year.

Besides what business will be forced to pay, the 1,107,000 taxpayers that earn above $80,000 a year will pay the full Carbon Tax and will be having to contribute to compensating business and the 11,193,000 taxpayers who earn less than $80,000.

These figures were collated from data available through ATO for the 2009 year.

The diagram above shows Income Tax is already the single biggest revenue for the Government and still they continue to tax us more and more.

This has to be considered ridiculous in anyone's language, especially when the Government continually emphasise the tax is aimed at the biggest polluters in the country, well personally,

I don't even smoke, but I guess I am still guilty of breathing.

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